- Book Name
- Matthew means "Gift of Yahweh"
- Description
- Written
- 60 AD
- Bible Division
- Gospels
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4004 BC2025 AD
4 BC — 33 AD
In This Book
Chapter Outline
1. The Genealogy Conception and Birth of Jesus2. Visit of the Magi; Escape to Egypt; Slaughter of Infants; Return to Nazareth3. John Preaches Repentance and Baptizes Jesus in the Jordan4. The Temptation of Jesus; Jesus Begins to Preach Calls First Disciples Ministers in Galilee5. The Sermon on the Mount; Beatitudes; Salt; Law; Murder; Adultery; Divorce; Oaths; Enemies6. Giving to the Poor; Lord's Prayer; Fasting; Treasure in Heaven; Do Not Worry7. Do Not Judge; Ask; Seek; Knock; Golden Rule; Narrow Gate; Good Fruit; Foundation on Rock