- Description
- Written
- 60 AD
- Bible Division
- Gospels
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4004 BC2025 AD
27 AD — 33 AD
In This Book
Chapter Outline
1. John the Baptist Preaches Baptizes Jesus; Jesus Tempted Calls First Disciples Preaches Heals and Prays in Galilee2. Jesus Heals a Paralytic Calls Matthew; Fasting; Lord of the Sabbath3. Jesus Heals on the Sabbath Chooses the Twelve discusses Beelzebub Mother and Brothers4. Parables of the Sower Lamp on a Stand Seed Growing Secretly Mustard Seed; Jesus Calms the Sea5. Jesus Sends the Demons into the Pigs Heals the Woman with Bleeding Raises Jairus' Daughter6. Jesus at Nazareth; Sending out the Twelve; John Beheaded; Jesus Feeds Five Thousand Walks on Water Heals7. Clean and Unclean; the Heart of Man; Healing of a Syrophoenician Woman and a Deaf Mute Man