Issachar - Chief IssachariteIssachar is one of the 12 tribes of IsrealProfileName (1st Mention)Issachar /yis-saw-kawr'/Hebrew (יִשָּׂשכָר) TitleSon of Jacob (Israel), Chief IssachariteParentsIsrael (Father), Leah (Mother) ChildrenJashub, Phuvah, Shimron, TolaSiblingsDinah, Judah, Levi, Reuben, Simeon, ZebulunHalf-Siblings by FatherAsher, Benjamin, Dan, Gad, Joseph, NaphtaliTime and PlaceBorn1752 BC4004 BC2025 AD1752 BCEvents1752 BCBirth of Issachar1728 BCJoseph sold to Egypt1708 BC — 1701 BC7 years of famine1706 BC — 1704 BCJoseph's brothers return to EgyptVersesView AllGenesis 30:18Genesis 35:23Showing 2 of 38 verses. View all.Related ResourcesBible ArtJacob Deceived About JosephBible ArtJoseph Sold Into SlaveryBible ArtJoseph Reveals Himself to His Brothers