- Book Name
- Nehemiah means "The Lord is Comfort"
- Main Topic(s)
- Jerusalem's Walls are Rebuilt
- Description
- Nehemiah restores Jerusalem's walls and joins Ezra in pointing the Jews back to God.
- Written
- 425 BC
- Bible Division
- History
- Timeline
4004 BC2025 AD
457 BC — 445 BC
In This Book
Chapter Outline
1. Nehemiah's Prayer for the Exiles2. Artaxerxes Sends Nehemiah to Jerusalem to Inspect Jerusalem's Walls3. Builders of the Walls Named4. Work on Walls Is Ridiculed; Opposition Overcome5. Nehemiah Abolishes Debt Mortgage and Bondage6. Sanballat's Plot; Completion of the Wall7. Census of Returned Exiles