- Description
- Written
- 90 AD
- Bible Division
- Gospels
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4004 BC2025 AD
4004 BC — 33 AD
In This Book
Chapter Outline
1. In the beginning was the Word; The Testimony of John; Jesus calls Simon and Andrew Philip and Nathanael2. Wedding at Cana; Jesus Clears the Temple3. Jesus Teaches Nicodemus: You Must be Born Again; John's Testimony about Jesus4. Jesus Testifies to the Samaritan Woman and Townspeople Heals an Official's Son5. The Pool of Bethesda; Testimony about Christ6. Jesus Feeds Five Thousand Walks on Water; I am the Resurrection; Many Desert Jesus; Peter Confesses Christ7. Jesus Teaches at the Feast of Tabernacles; Diverse Opinions of Him among the People