- Book Name
- Daniel means "God is my Judge"
- Main Topic(s)
- Babylonian Captivity, End Times Prophecy
- Written
- 536 BC
- Bible Division
- Prophecy
- Timeline
4004 BC2025 AD
603 BC — 534 BC
In This Book
Chapter Outline
1. Ashpenaz Takes Daniel Hananiah Mishael and Azariah to Babylon; They Refuse the King's Portion2. Daniel Interprets Nebuchadnezzar's Unspoken Dream3. Shadrach Meshach and Abednego Refuse to Bow to Golden Image Survive the Fiery Furnace4. Nebuchadnezzar's Confession of God's Kingdom; Daniel Interprets the Vision of a Great Tree5. Belshazzar's Impious Feast; Daniel Interprets the Handwriting on the Wall6. under Darius Refuses to Worship Idols; Survives the Lions' Den7. Daniel's Vision of the Four Beasts the Ancient of Days the Son of Man8. Daniel's Vision of the Ram and Goat9. Daniel's Prayer and Gabriel's Answer10. Daniel Terrified by a Vision Comforted by the Angel11. Prophesy of the Overthrow of Persia Conflicts between the Kings of the South and of the North; Roman Invasion12. Michael Shall Deliver Israel from Their Troubles