2 Kings 1:17Chapter TitleMoab Rebels; Ahaziah Judged by Elijah and Succeeded by JehoramBible DivisionHistoryTime and Place4004 BC2025 ADTextIn This VerseElijahProphet, A Raptured OneGodGod Our Father, Alpha & OmegaJehoramKing of Israel (Divided), Son of King AhabJehoshaphatKing of Judah, Son of King AsaJudahSon of Jacob (Israel), Chief JudahiteProphecies of Elijah910 BC - 897 BCReign of Jehoram893 BC - 885 BCElijahJehoramJehoshaphatJudahKingSonTo DieTo ReignTo SpeakTwoWordYearYHWH Lord